Why Is My Apple Watch Not Pinging My iPhone?

The Ping function means you can easily find your iPhone using your Apple Watch, so if this function isn’t working, it can be intensely frustrating. Here’s a look at reasons why your Apple Watch might not be pinging your iPhone. 

Your connection has dropped. Your iPhone and Apple Watch use Bluetooth and Wi-Fi to communicate with each other. If there’s an issue with either, it’s not possible to ping your iPhone. Airplane Mode is activated. If Airplane Mode is activated on your iPhone, the Wi-Fi connection is dropped, meaning the two devices can’t connect. Your software is outdated. If you haven’t updated either your iPhone or Apple Watch in a while, it may affect the connection. Update them both to the latest software for the best compatibility. 

How Do I Fix My Apple Watch Ping?

If you’ve figured out why your Apple Watch ping isn’t working correctly, there are simple ways to fix it. Here are some methods to try.

Why Is My Apple Watch Not Alerting Me of Messages?

While pinging is a slightly different issue than your Apple Watch not alerting you to messages, it’s important to know why that might be a problem. To figure out how to fix the issue, it’s useful to troubleshoot why it might be occurring. Typically, message alerts aren’t arriving for fairly simple reasons.