How to Block a YouTube Channel on Desktop

The block option has moved around quite a bit on YouTube’s website over the years, so it’s understandable if you can’t find it. Here’s how to find the YouTube block button and put it to good use.

How to Block a YouTube Channel on Mobile

Can you block YouTube channels on iOS and Android smartphones and tablets? Absolutely. Here’s how.

How to Ignore YouTube Channels

If you’re tired of seeing the same account’s videos suggested to you in your feed while browsing YouTube, you can take several practical actions by tapping on the ellipsis next to its title on both mobile and the web. A menu will appear with a variety of options. Here are the three you may want to consider using to block this video, and others like it, from your YouTube experience.

Not interested. This option will tell YouTube to stop recommending this video and others like it. If you choose this on a video about tomatoes, YouTube will show you fewer videos about tomatoes regardless of the channel.Don’t recommend the channel. Selecting this option will inform YouTube to cease showing you videos of any topic from this particular YouTube channel. This option can be helpful if you like to get news on a specific topic from many sources and want to exclude particular accounts.Report. If you find a YouTube video is offensive, dangerous, or misleading, you can choose this option on the desktop version to let YouTube know. Reporting it should stop this video from being shown to you and will also let YouTube know they should investigate it and potentially remove it from the platform entirely.

In addition to the above three options, you may also want to try the following for blocking videos from your YouTube experience.

Try YouTube Kids. YouTube Kids is an entirely free app designed for young viewers. It automatically filters out mature content and recommends media intended for children to watch without a parent’s supervision. It can still be worth checking the YouTube viewing history, though, just in case some questionable clips are slipping through the algorithm. Stay on your Subscription feed. Your subscription feed will only show you videos from your subscribed accounts. YouTube can often trick you into using the Home feed but be careful as the Home feed is not your Subscription feed.