Connecting an iPad to Wi-Fi

When you want to get your iPad online, follow these steps to connect to Wi-Fi:

A Shortcut to Connecting to Wi-Fi: Control Center

If you want to get online fast and are in the range of a network you’ve connected to in the past (for instance, at home or the office), you can turn on Wi-Fi quickly using Control Center. To do this, swipe down from the upper-right corner of the screen. In Control Center, tap the Wi-Fi icon so that it’s highlighted. Your iPad will join any nearby Wi-Fi network that it’s connected to in the past.

Connecting iPad to iPhone Personal Hotspot

If you can’t find any Wi-Fi networks, you can still get your iPad online by sharing a nearby iPhone’s cellular network. You’ll use the Personal Hotspot feature built into the iPhone to use its data connection (this is also known as tethering). The iPad connects to the iPhone via Wi-Fi. You’ll find available hotspots under Personal Hotspots in the Wi-Fi settings.

Data Security and Wi-Fi Hotspots

While finding a free, open Wi-fi network when you need one is great, you should also be mindful of security. Connecting to a Wi-Fi network that you haven’t used before and don’t know that you can trust could expose your internet use to surveillance or open you to hacking. Avoid doing things like checking a bank account or making purchases over an untrusted Wi-Fi network. Be aware of things you should check before you connect to a Wi-Fi hotspot.