This code is designed to appear when a subscriber uses an old link or outdated app to access unavailable content, but it can also show up due to server overload and connectivity issues.

What Does Disney Plus Error Code 41 Look Like?

When this error occurs, you will typically see this error message:

We’re sorry, but we cannot play the video you requested. Please try again. If the problem persists, visit the Disney+ Help Center (Error Code 41).

What Causes Disney Plus Error Code 41?

Disney Plus error code 41 is a rights management code. That means it is designed to show up when the subscriber attempts to view content that isn’t available on Disney’s servers or that Disney no longer has the rights to stream. If licensing rights cause a show or movie to be removed from the service, either permanently or temporarily, error code 41 will appear. In addition to its intended use, error code 41 will also appear when other problems lead to the web player or app getting the message that the content you are trying to stream isn’t available. This can be caused by server overload, connectivity issues, and also problems with the Disney Plus servers.

How to Fix Disney Plus Error Code 41

If you’re experiencing Error Code 41, try running through these troubleshooting steps to clear the error and get back to watching your Disney+ shows. Disney Plus requires the following speeds:

High Definition content: 5.0+ Mbps4K UHD content: 25.0+ Mbps

If Disney Plus is experiencing issues due to excessive traffic, all you can do is wait for it to die down. The same is true if Disney is having trouble with its servers. If you don’t see any signs of the service being down, then consider contacting Disney Plus customer service to make sure they are aware of the problem.