This troubleshooting guide will help you figure it out and get the issue fixed so you can grab photos during your calls.

Why Do My FaceTime Photos Not Save?

If you’re having trouble with your FaceTime Live photos not saving or even not taking at all, it could be privacy restrictions, outdated software, or a glitch that is the cause. Fortunately, using the troubleshooting steps below, most of these issues are easily fixable.

How to Fix It When FaceTime Live Photos Are Not Saving

If Your FaceTime Live photos are not working, walk through each of these steps until you solve the problem, or at the very least until you figure out what the problem is, because if it’s a privacy setting, you might not be able to change it.

Where Did My FaceTime Photos Go?

If your FaceTime Photos are working, but you can’t find the photos you took, try looking in the Live album in your Photos app. It’s where FaceTime Life photos save by default. If they’re not there, you can check All Photos in the Photos app. And if you still can’t find them, then you might need to make a Genius Bar appointment to get additional help locating them. Both parties have to have this feature enabled for this to work. If the person on the call doesn’t have them enabled on their device, you can’t capture or save photos. It’s a privacy setting that users can control. If you can, ask the other person to restart their device so you know you’re both working from a fresh restart to rule out any issues that might occur on either side.