If you accidentally delete a photo or video, Google keeps it in the trash for 60 days before it’s gone forever. But, you can retrieve it before that happens. Here’s how.

How to Retrieve Google Backup Photos on Your Computer

To retrieve your deleted Google photos on PC, follow these step-by-step instructions:

How to Retrieve Google Backup Photos on Android and iOS

The process for retrieving deleted content in Google Photos on Android and iOS differs slightly from the PC method.

What Happens When You Restore a Google Photo

Once Google completes the restore process, any pictures or videos you selected automatically appear back in the Google Photos library. They also appear in any Google Photo Albums you previously had them in. You can now access the images on any device signed into the account.

What to Do If the Photo Is Not in the Trash

If you’re unable to find your missing photos in the trash, and you are beyond the 60-day expiration time frame, there still may be some hope in restoring your lost images. Here are some things you can try:

When you delete photos and videos in Google Photos, Google doesn’t automatically delete them from Blogger, YouTube, or Gmail. To delete photos from these services, you must delete them within each service. If you added any of the photos to any of these services, they’ll still be there. Check all of your Google Photo Albums to see if the image you’re looking for may be hiding there. If you have multiple Google accounts, log into the other accounts to see if the photo may be stored there. If you shared the photo with someone else, ask them to check their email messages or their device storage to see if the photos are still there.

Google Photos Not Syncing Across Devices? Try This

If your devices don’t seem to be syncing across your devices, open the Google Photo menu and go to Settings to ensure that Google Backup and Sync is turned on.