How to Snooze Notifications in Android 12

A feature that has received a significant update in Android 12 is notification snoozing. Unlike Do Not Disturb, which silences all notifications, notification snoozing can allow you to pick and choose which apps for which you want to silence notifications. Notification snoozing can be exceptionally handy if you need to mute the incoming dings of specific applications. If you want to snooze a notification on Android 12, follow the steps below.

How Do I Turn Off Snooze Notifications on Android 12?

While snoozing alerts from certain apps can be helpful, you may find yourself needing to “unsnooze” them sometimes. Follow these steps to turn off snoozed notifications on Android.

How to Enable Notification Snoozing on Android 12

Before you can start snoozing alerts for different apps, you may need to enable the feature. Here’s how to enable notification snoozing.

What Is Notification Snoozing in Android 12?

Notification snoozing is a way to silence notifications quickly and easily for a particular application. You can typically snooze alerts for up to two hours, allowing you to quiet them for a short amount of time. It’s helpful in silencing alerts for reminders happening later in the evening or if you’re heading into a meeting and need to quiet that group chat with all your friends. Unlike Do Not Disturb, notification snoozing in Android 12 will not allow you to quiet alerts for all applications at once or for days at a time. Instead, you will need to do it on an app-by-app basis.