Sync Google Contacts to iPhone

Sometimes contact lists are stored in different locations such as a computer’s address book and an online account from Google or Yahoo. Using iCloud and other web-based syncing technologies, the settings you need to sync your address books all exist on your iPhone. To sync Google Contacts to your iPhone, make sure your Gmail account is set up on your iPhone. After you’ve done that, or if you already had it set up, follow these steps: Any addresses you add to Google Contacts sync to your iPhone. And, changes you make to those contacts on your iPhone automatically sync to your Google Contacts account. Syncing of changes doesn’t happen instantly, but changes show up in both locations in a minute or two. If you move the Contacts toggle switch to the Off/white position, your Google Contacts are removed from your iPhone, but any changes to contact details that were made and synced to your Google account are saved.

Sync Yahoo Contacts to iPhone

Syncing your Yahoo Contacts to your iPhone requires first setting up your Yahoo email account on your iPhone. After you’ve done that, follow these steps to set up syncing: Any addresses you add to your Yahoo Contacts or changes you make to existing contacts are automatically added to your iPhone. Changes aren’t synced instantly, but you should see changes show up in a few minutes. To turn off syncing, move the Contacts toggle switch to Off/white. This deletes your Yahoo contacts from your iPhone, but any changes you made while contacts were synced are saved in your Yahoo account.

Resolve Conflicts When Syncing Contact Information

In some circumstances, there are sync conflicts or duplicate address book entries. These arise when there are two versions of the same contact entry, and Google Contacts and Yahoo Contacts aren’t sure which is correct.

Resolve Duplicate Contacts in Google Contacts

Resolve Duplicate Contacts in Yahoo Contacts