How to Turn Off the Zoom Feature on the iPad

The iPad’s accessibility features include the ability to zoom into the iPad’s screen for those with poor or failing vision. It can also display a magnifying glass that can help those with poor vision read small text. Unfortunately, it can also cause some confusion for those who accidentally turn this feature on without meaning to do so. Here’s how to configure the iPad to keep this feature off for those who do not need it. 

Turn Off the Accessibility Shortcut

One common way people accidentally engage the Zoom feature is by triple-clicking the home button. This Accessibility Shortcut turns on Zoom and several other options including inverted colors, reducing the white point of the display, and VoiceOver (to narrate text on the screen). Here’s how to turn them all off. The Accessibility menu is where you should look first if something seems different about how your iPad is displaying webpages or text. It includes settings that make the type bigger or bold, increase color contrast, and several other options that make the iPad more comfortable to use for people with diminished vision.