How to Get a Podcast on Spotify

To get your podcast on Spotify, you’ll need to have the RSS feed and at least one episode hosted on your website or a podcast hosting service. Once you’re ready, do the following to submit your podcast to Spotify.

Submit Your Podcast to Spotify

It’s important to realize that Spotify functions as a podcast discovery and listening service, not a podcast hosting service. Basically, you can’t upload your podcast episodes to Spotify’s servers, so you’ll need to either host the files on your own website or use a podcast hosting provider. You can, however, submit your podcast to Spotify to have it listed on its directory, and to make episodes available to stream or download via the Spotify app.

Benefits of Adding Your Podcast to Spotify

There are several reasons why podcasters should consider adding their podcast to Spotify:

Spotify will grow your audience: Having your podcast discoverable by millions of listeners is pretty significant. You maintain all rights: You can still list your podcast on other directories and services, such as Stitcher, when on Spotify. Powerful analytics: Spotify gives you data on what episodes are being listened to, how long they’re listened for, and when people stop listening to an episode. Listener data: Spotify can also let you know what sort of music your listeners are interested in, as well as basic demographic stats. Instagram and Twitter integration: Both social networks provide audio previews of Spotify podcast episodes when they’re shared by users. Make money with subscriptions: Spotify supports subscriptions for everyone who posts podcasts; you can post exclusive episodes and even monetize your whole feed.

Spotify for Podcasters

Creators who are part of the Spotify for Podcasters program can mark their podcasts as subscriber-only and collect revenue from the platform. The service is free for podcasters, so they keep the majority of the profits from their subscribers. Through Anchor, podcasters can also upload videos, create polls, and add other interactive content to engage with listeners.