To get Hulu working again, you’ll have to do some troubleshooting.

Why Isn’t Hulu Working?

The two most common issues that keep Hulu from working are internet connectivity problems and software problems. The first issue can be caused by your home network equipment or internet connection, but it can also happen if the Hulu service itself is experiencing connectivity problems. The second broad category happens when a problem with the web player or Hulu app prevents it from working properly.

How To Get Hulu Working When You Can’t Stream

Hulu is an internet streaming service, so it requires a few things to work properly. You should have a high-speed internet connection, a compatible device, and either a web browser that can run the web player or the correct Hulu app for your device. If there is a problem with any of these components, Hulu won’t work. To get Hulu working again, try these troubleshooting tips:

iOS: How to close apps on iPhone. iPadOS: How to close apps on iPad. Android: How to close apps on Android.

3.0 Mbps: Standard definition streams.8.0 Mbps: Live content.16.0 Mbps: Ultra high definition streams.

iPad and iOS: How to update apps on iPad and iPhone. Android: How to update apps on Android.

Windows: How to update Windows. macOS: How to update macOS. Android: How to update Android. iPhone and iPad: How to update iOS.