When you enter text into this field, Safari makes suggestions based on the entry. It modifies recommendations as you continue to type. Each suggestion comes from several sources, including your browsing and search history, favorite websites, and Apple Spotlight. Here’s how to manage these sources.

Manage the Safari Smart Search Default Search Engine

You can modify the sources Safari uses to make its suggestions as well as the browser’s default search engine.

Manage Safari Smart Search Field Preferences

The Smart Search Field section provides the opportunity to specify which data components the browser uses when making suggestions. Each of the four suggestion sources is enabled by default. To disable one, remove the check mark in the box next to it by clicking it once. The suggestion sources are:

Include Safari Suggestions: The operating system’s built-in search service, Spotlight, explores several areas, including the files on your hard drive, apps, and music files, along with Wikipedia content and more.Enable Quick Website Search: Many websites offer an integrated search engine that allows you to search for content within that site. Safari provides shortcuts to these searches in some cases, allowing you to search sites from the Smart Search field. To see which sites your Safari installation currently supports with this feature, select Manage Websites.Preload Top Hit in the Background: Safari can silently load the top result in the browser’s default search engine for the search terms that you enter. Users browsing on limited data connections usually disable this function.Show Favorites: Your stored Favorites, formerly known as Bookmarks, can be included as a Smart Search field suggestion source.

Show Full Website Address

Safari only displays the domain name of a website in the Smart Search field. Previous versions showed the full URL. If you want to revert to the old setting and view complete web addresses, take the following steps.