According to an email sent to Lifewire, the company just launched its Lines Squared smart LED light bars, featuring a modular design. What does this mean? Users can mix and match these light bars and connect them at various angles to create unique aesthetic set pieces throughout the home.  Use 90-degree angles and the included mounting connectors to create squares and related designs, or throw in some 60-degree angles for experimental geometric designs. You can also add color to your unique creation by accessing over 16 million RGBW options via the Nanoleaf App.  These lights “intuitively recognize” when a new bar has been added to the lineup and alters the lighting scheme accordingly. To that end, the light bars are chockful with smart controls and automations, like the company’s proprietary music visualizer that translates rhythm into color and movement.  Lines Squared LED light bars are available to preorder right now. A four-piece “smarter kit” (they call it that, but it is essentially a starter set) costs $100, and a three-piece expansion pack costs $70.