However, Rosie gets the last laugh as a gaggle of artificially intelligent products is already sprinkling our early 21st century homes with cooperative helpers who are slowly becoming practical home assistants.

Robots vs. Thinking Entities

Merriam-Webster defines the word robot as a machine that can move independently and perform complex actions. It’s important to note the definition does not include ‘can think independently.’ Such thought requires a technology level studied in labs and isn’t available to the masses at a reasonable price. Yet. Most types of robots available today are for commercial use, but some help the average consumer at home. These home robots (aka domestic robots or consumer robots) are relatively basic machines that can be easily programmed to move around and perform repetitive tasks.

The Virtual Assistant Craze: Are Siri and Alexa Robots?

Virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa aren’t technically robots since they cannot move independently or perform actions beyond retrieving information and sharing it with humans. Vector, for instance, is a social robot that combines Alexa capabilities with artificial intelligence to allows it to recognize people and objects as it helps with small activities around the home (timing meals, for instance) and performs a variety of pre-programmed tasks. Alexa aside, though, there are plenty of other home robots already on the market ready to do the dirty work.

Which Robots Are Used in the Home Today?

Once prohibitively expensive, home robots are slowly inching down in price to become affordable for broader consumer groups. However, some are still a bit pricy, and most do require access to Wi-Fi and the internet, which can be a barrier for many households struggling with digital divide issues. Even so, those with a bit of cash to spare are spending it when the benefits are apparent. The current demand is for household help: Whether you work from home, manage a busy household, or commute to an office, everyone is looking for ways to spend less time cleaning in their spare time. While some options are still priced entirely beyond the reach of the average household, don’t forget few could afford Roombas just a few years back. Now, there’s a Roomba robot for almost every budget. Supply and demand will eventually make the most helpful home robots affordable, even if it takes another 10 to 20 years. Here’s a look at a few of the robots rising in the home right now. There are more examples on the market, including a tiny robot that can attach itself to your windows to give them a thorough cleaning, one that will mow your lawn without help, another that cleans cat litter; the list goes on and on. iRobot started the trend, but now mainstream manufacturers like Samsung are in the game as well. Pricing starts around $150 for the most basic models and skyrockets to the $1000 range for versions that can prioritize which rooms to clean first. Some of these robotic pets are still in development and are exorbitant in price. Still, the idea is, using a home network, sensors, and artificial intelligence, a robotic pet can react appropriately to a pet owner’s moods, serve as a guard dog, and help solve problems the human might be experiencing. Sony’s Aibo sells for $2,900 while prices for more advanced companions are hovering around $75,000. Woof! Price? Far beyond the average consumer’s budget, this kitchen just came on the market for a cool $340,000. It’s not perfect, but anything that cleans the grill for you is better than doing it yourself. The hit to your budget? Around $130. It uses artificial intelligence algorithms to learn a child’s preferences and can deliver millions of topics, concepts, and lessons (curated by you) in a conversational manner and interact with the child. This entertaining assistant sells for $299. Robots won’t be replacing humans anytime soon. But it’s clear more and more companies are finding ways to include artificial intelligence in the home, giving the robot a clear path to an affordable future in our homes. Move over, Rosie!