YouTube IP Addresses

These are the most common IP addresses for YouTube:

Just as you can visit the YouTube homepage by entering in a web browser, so also can you add https:// to any YouTube IP address, for example,

YouTube IP Address Ranges

To support a large and growing network of web servers, YouTube owns a number of IP addresses in ranges called blocks. These IP address blocks belong to YouTube: - - - - - - -

Administrators who want to block access to YouTube from their network should block these IP address ranges if their router allows.

Acceptable Uses of YouTube IP Addresses

If you cannot reach, your web host might be blocking access to it. In this case, using an IP address-based URL can succeed yet violate your host network’s acceptable use policy (AUP). Check your AUP or contact your local network administrator before using an IP address to connect to YouTube. Some countries have banned access to YouTube. Whether using its name or IP address, people in these countries should expect their connections to fail. This is a prime reason to use an HTTP proxy or VPN service. It’s difficult for a website like YouTube to ban individual users by their public IP address because most internet providers allocate these to customers dynamically (these IP addresses often change). For the same reason, YouTube does not strictly limit voting on videos to one vote per IP address, although it does keep other restrictions in place to prevent vote stuffing.

Find the IP Addresses of YouTube Users

Users who vote on videos or post comments to the site have their IP addresses recorded by YouTube. Like other large websites, YouTube might be requested to share its server logs with legal agencies under court order. You, as a regular user, however, cannot access these private IP addresses.

This Doesn’t Always Work

Some IP addresses that are marked as belonging to YouTube point to another Google product like Google Search at This is due to shared hosting. Google uses some of the same servers to deliver its products, including YouTube.  Sometimes a general IP address used by a Google product isn’t enough information to explain which web page it is that you’re trying to visit, and so you might not get anywhere useful and could see a blank page or some sort of error. This concept applies to any web page. If you can’t open a website using its IP address, then there’s a chance that the address is to a server that hosts more than one website, and the server, therefore, doesn’t know which website to load upon your request.