Service Set Identifier (SSID)

Wi-Fi networks support Service Set Identifier (SSID), a type of network name. Wi-Fi access points and clients are each assigned an SSID to identify one another. In everyday conversation, wireless network names typically refer to SSIDs. Wireless broadband routers and wireless access points establish wireless networks using SSIDs. At the time of their manufacture, these devices are configured with default SSIDs (network names) at the factory.

Windows Workgroups and Domains

Microsoft Windows assigns computers to named workgroups to facilitate peer-to-peer networking. Alternatively, Windows domains segregate computers into named subnetworks. Windows workgroup and domain names are both set separately from the names of each computer and function independently from SSIDs.


Another distinct form of network naming is used to identify computer clusters. For example, most server operating systems (for example, Microsoft Windows Server) support the independent naming of clusters. Clusters are sets of computers that work as a single system.

Network vs. DNS Names of Computers

IT professionals often refer to computer names that are maintained in the Domain Name System (DNS) as network names, even though these aren’t technically names of networks. For example, a computer might be named TEELA and belong to the domain. The DNS knows this computer as and advertises that name to other devices. Some people refer to this expanded DNS representation as the computer’s network name.