WhatsApp End-to-End Encryption Explained

WhatsApp claims that every single chat has a unique lock and key to keep things safe. You don’t need any specialized hardware or software, and you don’t have to turn anything on, it is built right in.  However, they do provide one caveat. When connecting with a business using end-to-end encryption, anyone within that business may be able to share the connection and see messages. Additionally, if the business contracts its communications to another company, that vendor may be able to see, store and access messages sent through their system. How this is handled depends on the company’s own privacy policy. 

How WhatsApp End-to-End Encryption Works

WhatsApp uses Signal Protocol developed by Open Whisper Systems. This type of encryption uses a lock and key at both ends, so only the two connected individuals can access the data. How does it work? When someone opens WhatsApp, a public and private key are generated. All of this takes place behind the scenes on your phone. The private key stays stored in the WhatsApp data library, and the public key is sent along with the message to the recipient. The public key encrypts the message before it reaches its intended target. On the other end, when the person receives the message, their private key unlocks it. No third-party can intercept these messages because the keys are stored within the phone itself. Even if a hacker were to breach the connection, they would not have the keys to unlock it. 

How to Use WhatsApp End-to-End Encryption 

To use WhatsApp end-to-end encryption, install WhatsApp, and start using it. There are no special settings you need to worry about, and you don’t need to take any action. However, if during a text message session, you want to confirm that your connection is end-to-end encrypted: