Where Can I Watch Friends?

Which streaming service you use to stream all 236 episodes of Friends depends on what country you live in:

Where to stream Friends in the U.S.: Friends streams on HBO Max in the U.S. There is no free trial for HBO Max as of this writing (how to see if your streaming device is compatible with HBO Max). Monthly plans start at $9.99/month with ads, while the ad-free version is $14.99/month. Sign up for a whole year for a discount. Watch ‘Friends’ on HBO Max.

Where Can I Watch Friends for Free?

Watching Friends for free—at least doing it legally—isn’t much of an option. As noted above, some streaming services in some countries have free trials. That’s probably your best bet if you want to watch Friends for free.

Is Friends Back on Netflix?

That depends on where you live, as mentioned above. If you’re in the U.S., the answer is no; Friends is not on Netflix. The only place to legally stream Friends in the U.S. is HBO Max. If you live in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and other countries, then yes: Friends is available on Netflix in your country.

Is Friends Available on Hulu? 

Friends is not available on Hulu, at least not in a streaming-on-demand sort of way. As mentioned earlier, you’ll need HBO Max, Netflix, or other services in other countries for that. Hulu doesn’t have Friends. The one way you can watch Friends on Hulu—again, depending on what country you’re in—is on live TV. If you subscribe to Hulu + Live TV, you can watch Friends whenever it’s broadcast on any channel you get through your Live TV subscription. You can even DVR the episodes using Hulu’s built-in DVR feature.